Sunday, April 08, 2007

Blogger's Block

Robert's term, not mine; but nevertheless I have it. It happened to me back in January as well. Its not that I don't have things to say. There are just thing that I'm not at liberty to discuss. So while those thoughts are clogging my thought process, not much else can get through.


U said...

You gotta rise above it, you gotta harvest the good energy and block out the bad. Harvest energy, block bad. Feel the flow, feel it, it's circular. Its like a carousel. You pay the quarter, you get on the horse, and you go up and down and a circular circle with the music, the flow, all good things.
Or you could try Drano.

Anonymous said...

Praying for ya, sister.

Kim said...

From what I understand, most writers who experience this either find new momentum or drink themselves into oblivion. Let me know if we need an intervention. (Bahama Breeze is the perfect place - I'll call the girls!)

patti said...

Bahama breeze...Im so in!!!

And for the record...its called blog clog.

patti said...

You are the best person in the world!

Robert N. Landrum said...

Another bolg term, Leslie called me a "blog bully."

patti said...

I have some metamucial for blog clog les...Ill bring it tomrorrow