Saturday, August 04, 2007

Here Comes the Bride

Last August I had dinner with "the girls" in celebration of Kristen's birthday. One of my former students, Sarah Jones, joined us and went on and on about this fabulous guy she had been dating. Apart from his being a gorgeous Navy officer, she was enamoured with the depth of his relationship with God. It was the one trait that she continually focused on; she sounded as if she had won the lottery. Over the weekend she married this wonderful man and I was honored to be invited to the festivities. It was a beautiful ceremony and their joy was impossible to hide. I love to see how God grows former students into incredible men and women of faith!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

i wonder where u get them sweeeet pictures from!?!? haha ME! and...hmm..READY FOR MY WEDDING LESLIE hahahahahhahaha. I told my dad that u said I wasnt alo wait till to get married till many many years ago an dhe laughed and i was like "what is she my dad also" n hes liek ahahah yep! BLAST you both have the same views! hahah. just wait will my wedding..IT BE THE BOMB! haha and u can tell robert purple cheese will be there (HAHAHHAHA) whenever that day is..BE READY! lol.