Thursday, March 01, 2007

Old Dog, New Trick?

I had to raise an eyebrow when Robert came into the living room and asked me when I was going to be "done" with the laptop. Done? You mean there's an end point? But I was more curious to know what he wanted it for. Robert associates the computer with work. He just finished his second master's degree and time on the computer meant typing paper after paper. Defensively (clutching the laptop to my chest) I insisted on knowing what he wanted it for.

"I want to set up a blog."

A what? What do you want to set up a blog for? I think I laughed. I know, it wasn't very nice.

"What's that website you use?"

Blogger. It's blogger, honey. I figured I had better help him set up his first blog or he would end up with some unrealistic blog name. That's important stuff, you know! I walked him through the set up and left him to write his first post. I came back and read his first entry. It was a serious introspective one. I wanted to know if that's what he planned to write about all the time. He shrugged. I informed him he could write about anything (as if he didn't know that). I suggested that the blog was a great thinking tool. It's great for deep thoughts as well as shallow reflections. The blog is the place that you can talk about relationships, how to not offend your brothers and sisters in the church nursury, the infinitness of God, or a glittery shirt that takes on a life of its own. Anything goes here . . .


patti said...

I am laughing my butt write just like you speak sista friend..."as you clutched your computer closer..." HAHAHAHA! Eric asked me the same thing yesterday..."Are you about done?" "Why, do you need it?" "No, just wishing you would get off it for a while"
WHAT? You want to relate?? Oh lands!!!
I left RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrobert a comment...He is no longer a blog virgin.

Kim said...

There are very few strict rules in my house. One of the most important is "DON'T TOUCH MY COMPUTER!" I recently got a laptop and am so anxious to have the wireless internet installed in the house so that I won't have to share with anyone. Think I have issues?