Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Waiting on God

When we found the house last week, I was ecstatic. Its perfect. So when our offer was accepted, we were excited. That is until we learned the sellers needed to close in 20 days.

Um. What?

Yesterday at 3:30 we found out that we had 24 hours to move forward or step aside and allow the sellers to entertain another offer. As badly as I wanted the house, I knew that I needed to desire God's will that much more. My initial reaction was to hold on to the house; part of me didn't want to seek God's will. Why do I do that? I prayed that God would give me peace to obey Him regardless of the outcome. After praying with the ones I love throughout the day, we decided to let it go. And I think I was surprised at not only the peace, but the joy that God provided in that moment. Why do I doubt the good things that God wants to give to me? Why do I doubt His provision and His perfect will? I'm excited to see what God will do now.

I marvel at this whole process. If you had approached me about moving back to Mississippi 6 months ago, I would have fought the idea tooth and nail. I was adamant about not going back. You would have found me clinging to the Florida state line. I wouldn't even entertain the idea. Knowing that, I can declare without hesitation that God has changed my heart. Why, how, when? I'm not sure. But it was a slow, subtle transition. God eased me into something I felt so strongly against. I love the history and culture of the South (sorry, Kathy), but I didn't see a future or opportunity there. Now, well things are different. Opportunities abound and there is tremendous hope over the options available to the children, Robert, and me. We wait to see where God will lead.

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known. -I Corinthians 13:12

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